Transitioning from Lat-Lon to Mobitron
Mobitron offers a seamless and efficient transition pathway for customers currently using Lat-Lon. With a strong emphasis on advanced data logging and transport monitoring, Mobitron
Here you will find extensive documentation designed to help you understand and maximize the potential of our Cargolog® system and related products. Our aim is to provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to ensure efficient transport monitoring and data logging.
Mobitron offers a seamless and efficient transition pathway for customers currently using Lat-Lon. With a strong emphasis on advanced data logging and transport monitoring, Mobitron
Safe battery transportation is critical to protect consumer safety and the preservation of property. Hundreds of lithium-based battery fires have occurred in the past years.
Reduce the risks with the use of a condition monitoring system by detecting Shocks and Impacts in real-time during transportation A flow battery is an
The transport of mobile power solutions is often the critical part, and damages during transportation can reduce its service life With an IoT-Based Monitoring System
Monitor the shipments for disproportionate impacts that cause damage to your container and determine who had custody of the goods Damage to goods shipped in
Incorrect handling during transport can damage your product, both visible as well as concealed damages, which can be challenging to detect. The Cargolog Impact Recorder
Damage to goods during the transportation is a common problem when delivering by truck, rail, ocean, or air. In the United States, the responsibilities and
Medium-voltage (MV) products, like switchgear, modular systems, and panels play a vital role in sustainable electricity distribution. All parts have to be in good condition
Mobitron AB
Hunneryds Gård 1
561 46 Huskvarna, Sweden
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